MegaCellMonitor does NOT run on Windows 7. (EOS: 14 Jan 2020)

Start here:

When you receive your hardware it is important to start with upgrading the firmware to the latest release. Follow the below steps to upgrade your charger before continueing with the software deployment.
Start downloading the flash utility from the following loaction

Download the firmware from the dowloads page:



Connect the charger to the workstation using a Micro USB:

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Start the Node MCU flash utility and select the downloaded firmware

Select the COM-port created by the OS when the USB is connected

Click 'Flash NodeMCU' and wait for the upload to be completed

Push the reset button on the charger and check the display shows the corret Firmware version.

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Push the boot button on hold is down until the 'Fatory reset' option is shown. Then let go...

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Now use your phone to connect to the WiFi module and configure your access-point SSID and Password. Or press the WPS button on your access point during the countdown for automatically joining the charger.

The next step is to make sure the label printer is ready or continue with the installation of the MegaCellMonitor software. The following printer vendors are supported:

  • DYMO
  • Brother
  • When using a DYMO labeler, then make sure to first install the DYMO software.
    Dymo installation

    When using a Brother labeler, then make sure to first install the Brother drivers and B-Pac first.
    Borther installation

    Install MegaCellMonitor

    Once all MegaCellChargers are upgraded to the latest firmware and the DYMO software is installed (if applicable) then the next step is to install the MegaCellMonitor software.


    Install the C++ runtime libraries first

    Click "Run" ...

    Accept the agreement...

    Select "Yes" to continue the installation

    Finish the installtion

    Start the download here:

    Clik on the link called "Launch" on the bottom row. Don't use the "Install" button as on some systems this might fail.

    Follow the instructions on the screen

    Follow the instructions on the screen

    Follow the instructions on the screen

    Follow the instructions on the screen

    Follow the instructions on the screen

    Mobile device installation


    At first startup the system shows the license details. This information need to be send to the MegaCellMonitor team to generate a license file specific for your device. The application will not start with the license file and you have only the option to close the app. The HwID.txt file is located in the 'C:\Connect and Exchange' folder.

    Whn the license file is received then it should be placed in the 'C:\Connect and Exchange' folder. Post which the application can be started.

    Once you installed the liense key the appliation shall show the main window. The first thiing you have to do is add a cell charger and configure an e-mail adress to receive alerts.
    Navigate to the settings menu...

    In the configuration sreen you select the option 'Scan'.

    Check the network segment to scan is correct and select 'Okay' for the scanning to begin.

    Wait for the scan to complete and validate that all your chargers are discovered. Click 'Add Chargers' to add them to the configuration.

    Configure your e-mail address to recceive alerts. Click 'Apply' and close the configuration form. Now all chargers are being loaded...

    Reorganize your windows and then start adding cells into your charger. Each slot shall automatically be updated when you insert a cell and shows the estimated level of harge. Once all cells are inserted you select in the drop down list 'Select all' and you click on the "Start workflow" button.

    The cells are being automatically charged, discharged and store charged. Once the workflow is completed the cells are stored in the cell database and you can start creating your cell packs... You are up and running...