
Improved documentation

Each upcomming release shall include a new windows showing the release notes. Once the software detects that the application is upgraded the window is automatically loaded. After the user closes the window it can be back opened by clicking on the version number in the main window. Once the release notes are open the user can also navigate the website for other content.


Configuration screen

Configuration screen received a major overhaul. It now allows for different chargers to be added. There is a dropdown which allows you to select 3 different connection types:

  • WiFi communication
  • Serial communication
  • HID communication (not supported yet)

Once Serial communication is selected different options apear which allows the user to select chargers that support serial or HID communication only. ZKETech chargers are added to the application and in january the first alpha releases of the EnergyCellsCharger shall be implemented.
Trough the dropdown 'Select all chargers:' it is easy to select a specific type of charger, when multiple chargers are added of different types. If a mix and match of chargers is selected then the 'Edit settings' is limited to settings that only apply to all chargers.
A checkbox is added to allow specific chargers to be seleted for rebooting, removing or editing their settings. The double click functionality to rmove the chargers is removed.


New communication protocols

To improve the data transfer between the charger and the software new communication protocols are developed.

  • jSon
  • Multicast
  • Binary (TCP)
  • Binary (UDP)

Each protocol has it's advantages and disadvantages. Though the recommended setting for most users is the 'Binary (UDP)' setting as it updates the app very fast and is supported on WiFi only connections as well. Binary TCP we can't recommend as this is to slow and creates a lot of overhead on the firmware. It is still included though when issues are noticed, you should change to either jSon, Multicast or Binary (UDP).
As multiple chargers support different settings required the settings dialog to be more flexible. Therefore tab's are added that allow for specific settings for the charger to be loaded. Also the circuitbreaker settings are now on a per charger basis. In the next release some of these settings will also be configurable on cell level.


ESR testing

ESR testing is completely overhauled. When using an YR1035+ (which needs a Serial chip to soldered manually) or a YR1035+ you have to scan the barcode, place the cell in the tester and wait for the results to be automatically stored in the database. Both voltage and resistance are stored in the database simulationious.

A graphical representation of the ESR tester is shown including the read values. Depending on the settings the values are stored after 3 succesfull consequitive reads or direct (not recommended as the cell readings need to stabilize first).Also the settings page where you can configure the ESR tester shows the same graphical representation.


Do i have enough...

The cell database now includes 5 counters which show the amount of cells in the database, available cells, bad cells and the amount of filtered cells. Cell filters are taken into account when doing the calculation of the cells. So when you set the cell filters to your liings, the amount of avaialble cells is shown before you configure the cell pack size.

Printing from the cell database is now also including the charger IP and charger ID the moment the cell was stored in the databse. This allows for reprinting the labels identical the moment the cell was tested.


Watch and learn...

Video tutorials are now being recorded and the first tutorial is included in the new release. This tutorial is only showing when a new installation of the MegaCellMonitor is deployed. Later releases shall include more tutorials when moving through the app or through the context menu's (right click -> Select help) where implemtented.

Not all settings are retained

Due to changes in the data model not all settings from version older then can be retained. There is data conversion from to the new version whereas printer-, circuitbreak- and e-mail settings are not retained. They will be set to the default.

After the upgrade you need to check your settings and adjust where needed.

The new data model is better manageable and is cleaed up from all the 'adhoc' settings that were create during previous builds. This allows for future expansion of the settings more easily.

What is changed?

This version contains a major change in the application. It now supports a new charger called ZKETech. Settings can now be applied on charger level and almost all settings are now also configurable on cell level.

Printing elements are expanded with the 'CellId' and "Octed4" which was requested by users who were making custom labels. Also one of the user added a new Brother label with a larger QR-Code to improve scanning with handheld scanners.

Scan features are updated to improve the performance of scanning cells lables during oprations like regression test, ESR testing and other locations where the QR-Code is needed.

Cell serials overview now contains in the header a few counters that show how many cells are are in the databse and how many are available for pack building.

Help us - become a patreon...

The Mega Cell Moitor is started as a tool for personal use due to the lack of available software that met the requirements. The MegaCellMonitor received a lot of positive feedback from the community. Your support is needed to keep up the development of the software... Please help us.

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